An Educational Assessment is an insightful and effective practical tool for understanding the learning profile of the student and identifying the causes of the problems they face in their learning. This type of assessment helps educational specialists, parents and teachers gain a deeper understanding of a student's learning profile and level of achievement to provide a baseline for planning a comprehensive Individual Education Plan or Education Therapy Programme.
Educational Assessments can also be useful for underperforming students who do not meet their school’s criteria for an assessment.
A Senior Educational Therapist at Dynamics is responsible for administering the Educational Assessment. The Education Assessment takes approximately 2 hours, which will include a 30-minute consultation on the student's history. The purpose of the consultation is to gather relevant information and ascertain if the student would be more appropriately assessed by a Psychologist.
An in-depth analytical report will be delivered within 2 weeks of the consultation, along with a 30-minute feedback session to explain the results and recommendations. We understand that following the report, you may have additional questions. Upon request, the therapist in charge of administering the assessment will follow up with you via email or phone to clarify points at no additional cost.
Our Educational Assessment is suitable for children 5 years and up.
Assessment Criteria
Visual Perception (4–19 years old) | Test of Visual Perceptual Skills, American Norms |
Auditory Processing (4–19 years old) | Test of Auditory Processing Skills, American Norms |
Phonological Awareness (6–15 years old) | Phonological Assessment Battery, British Norms |
Speed of Processing (6–15 years old) | PhAB sub test |
Reading (text) and Comprehension (6–13 years old) | Neale Analysis of Reading Ability - NARA - 2, British norms |
Reading Single Words (5–24 years old) | Wide Range Assessment (WRAT - 4), American norms |
Spelling (5–24 years old) | WRAT - 4 |
Maths Computation (5–24 years old) | WRAT - 4 |
Areas considered for recommendations in the written analytical report